Notarially Certified True Copies of Documents2023-08-15T04:16:25+00:00

Notarially Certified True Copies of Documents

You’ve Googled and you’ve found us. I’ve got this fancy-schmancy stamp to put on your documents.

So, what is
this exactly?

You got a letter from one or other big corporate with a lot of red tape. They want a Notarially Certified True Copy / Notarised Copy of your degree, or diploma, or identity document, … or whatever.

What in the world?

It really is just a commissioner of oaths-stamp that went to private school 🙂

Bring the original, bring the copy and we’ll stamp away.

Offer & Cost

What is this process:

  • I compare the copy to the original with my magnifying glass.
  • I hit the copy with 2 stamps.
  • I grace the copy with my signature.
  • And…Bob’s your uncle.


Starting at R250 per page

Email us here to arrange a time.

Email us here to arrange a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Certified copy or notarised copy or notarially certified copy – what is it?2023-06-25T08:30:15+00:00

A Notarised Copy (Notarially Certified True Copy) refers to a certified reproduction of an original document. When you need to provide someone with a copy of an important document, such as a passport, identification card, or academic transcript, you may be asked to provide a Notarised Copy.

To obtain a Notarised Copy, you would take the original document to a Notary Public, like me. I will carefully compare the copy you provide with the original document to ensure it is an accurate and complete reproduction. Once verified, I will certify it as a Notarised Copy by adding my official seal, signature, and any required notarial markings.

Having a Notarised Copy adds credibility and assurance that the copy is a faithful representation of the original document. It can be useful when you need to submit copies for legal, official, or administrative purposes, as it provides a recognised level of authentication.

What’s the difference between a certified copy and a notarially certified copy?2023-06-13T17:03:31+00:00

A Certified Copy simply means it’s a faithful reproduction of the original document and stamped by a Commissioner of Oaths. This can be done at any attorney, police station, Postnet, etc. It can be made by photocopying or scanning the original, ensuring that all the information is accurately copied. However, a Certified Copy doesn’t have any official certification or verification attached to it.

On the other hand, a Notarially Certified Copy is a Certified Copy that has been officially certified by a recognised authority, such as a Notary Public, like me. I carefully compare the copy with the original document, confirm its accuracy, and then add my official seal, signature, or certification markings to certify that it is indeed a Certified and valid reproduction.

In a nutshell, while both a Certified Copy and a Notarially Certified Copy are accurate reproductions of the original document, a Notarially Certified Copy carries the added assurance and credibility of being certified by an authorised individual or organization.

Can anyone make a notarially certified copy?2023-06-13T17:04:00+00:00

The ability to make a Notarially Certified Copy is typically reserved for authorised individuals or professionals. Not just anyone can make a certified copy of a document. Generally, certain individuals, such as a Notary Public, have the authority to make certified copies.

I got specific training, passed an insane exam, and have the knowledge and expertise to verify the authenticity and accuracy of documents. I’m trusted to compare the copy with the original document and provide their official certification, which may include my seal, signature, or other necessary markings.

All notaries are attorneys, but not all attorneys are notaries.

While it may be tempting to make your own certified copies, it’s important to follow the proper procedures and use authorised channels to ensure the copy’s validity and acceptance. Relying on the expertise of authorised professionals helps maintain the integrity and reliability of certified copies.

Notarising of documents: what do they mean, and why does it matter?2023-06-13T17:04:33+00:00

Notarising documents involves the process of having a trusted professional, such as a Notary Public, verify the authenticity and accuracy of the document. It matters because it adds credibility, legal validity, and assurance to the document’s contents.

Notarising or certifying documents can be crucial for various reasons. It helps prevent fraud, forgery, and tampering by having an independent party verify the document’s integrity. It also ensures that the document meets the specific legal requirements or standards set by relevant authorities. Additionally, notarised or certified documents are often required for important transactions, such as property transfers, business agreements, or court proceedings.

By having documents notarised or certified, individuals and organisations can have peace of mind knowing that their documents carry an official endorsement and are more likely to be recognised and accepted by the intended recipients.

Is a copy of a notarised document acceptable?2023-06-13T17:05:03+00:00

Generally, a copy of a notarised document is not considered acceptable as a substitute for the original notarised document. The reason is that the purpose of notarisation is to provide assurance of the authenticity and validity of the original document.

When a document is notarised, a Notary Public, like me, verifies the identity of the signer and confirms the accuracy of the document. They then affix their official seal or certification markings to the original document. These markings signify that the document has been officially notarised.

While a copy of a notarised document may contain the same information and even show the notarial markings, it lacks the same level of authenticity as the original. Copies can be easily altered or manipulated, which compromises their reliability.

Therefore, when required to submit a notarised document, it is generally necessary to provide the original document rather than a copy. The original document carries the official notarial seal and is considered more trustworthy and legally valid.

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