Notarial Authentication of Documents2023-08-15T04:14:17+00:00

Notarial Authentication of Documents

Apostille. Authentication of Documents. Never heard of it – it can be a mouthful. Luckily, we’ve heard of it and can sort you out.

So, what is
this exactly?

Well, sometimes I struggle to explain it properly. I asked ChatGPT to help me explain it to a 10-year old.

Here you go

So, have you ever heard of a passport? It’s a special booklet that you use when you go to different countries, so they know who you are. Well, sometimes when you need to do things in another country, like get a job or buy a house. For that you need a special stamp on your documents so that the people in that country know that your papers are real. This stamp is called an apostille.

The people at Francois Vorster Attorneys can help you get this special stamp on your papers so you can do the things you need to do in other countries. They’re like experts in getting this stamp and they can do it really fast for you. All you have to do is send them your papers and they’ll do all the work for you. [paraphrased a little bit for context]

Offer & Cost

  • I compare the copy to the original with my magnifying glass.
  • I hit the copy with 2 stamps.
  • I grace the copy with my signature.
  • We send the documents to my good friend Nicolene in Mafikeng.
  • She visits the High Court for the registrar to put his signature and fancy stamp on the documents
  • And…Bob’s your uncle.


Starting at R2010 per document

Email us here to arrange a free quote

Email us here to arrange a free quote

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between apostille and notarization:2023-06-12T12:46:48+00:00
  1. Notarisation:
  • Notarisation is a process where a notary public (me) verifies the authenticity of a document and the identity of the person signing it.
  • The notary public (me) adds their official seal or stamp to the document, indicating its notarised status.
  • Notarisation is typically required for various legal documents, such as affidavits, contracts, and powers of attorney.
  1. Apostille:
  • An apostille as a specialised form of authentication used for documents intended for use in foreign countries that are part of the Hague Apostille Convention.
  • An apostille is issued by a designated authority in the country where the document was issued.
  • It certifies the authenticity of the document and the signature of the issuing authority, allowing it to be recognised and accepted in other member countries without the need for further legalisation.
  • Basically the two countries agree that they trust each other due to the apostille.
  1. Purpose:
  • Notarisation primarily serves as a means of verifying signatures and ensuring the authenticity of documents within a specific jurisdiction.
  • On the other hand, apostille is specifically designed for international recognition and is used to simplify the process of accepting foreign documents in countries that are part of the Hague Apostille Convention.
  1. Recognition:
  • Notarised documents may not automatically be recognized and accepted in foreign countries without additional steps, such as legalisation or obtaining an apostille.
  • Apostilled documents, however, are generally recognised and accepted in member countries of the Hague Apostille Convention without the need for further legalization.
  1. Applicability:
  • The need for notarisation or apostille depends on the requirements of the receiving country.
  • Some countries may require notarisation, while others may only recognise apostilled documents or have different authentication procedures altogether.
What is an apostille?2023-06-12T12:42:38+00:00

An apostille is a special certification that validates the authenticity of a public document for use in another country.

Why would I need an apostille?2023-06-12T12:43:08+00:00

Certain countries may require an apostille to recognise and accept your public document as valid.

Which documents are required to obtain an apostille?2023-06-12T12:43:33+00:00
  • Your original document issued by the relevant authority.
  • A copy of your identification document (e.g., passport or ID card) to prove your identity.
  • Any additional supporting documents that may be required by the specific jurisdiction.
How can I obtain an apostille?2023-06-12T12:44:00+00:00
  • Contact me as a qualified notary or apostille service provider.
  • Submit your original and supporting documents.
  • Pay any applicable fees (thank you) and provide necessary information.
  • We will authenticate and legalise your documents by adding a few signature and fancy stamps, sending it to the Registrar of the High Court in Mafikeng. The Registrar will attach the apostille certificate.
How long does it take to get an apostille?2023-06-12T12:44:29+00:00
  • We have done it in two weeks, but also two months.
  • The moment we send it to Mafikeng we are in the hands of a government organisation.
  • Did someone say, “Hurry up and wait!”?
Are there any additional requirements for specific countries2023-06-12T12:44:54+00:00
  • Some countries may have additional requirements or specific processes for obtaining an apostille.
  • Make sure from the organisation requesting the apostille exactly what they need.
Can laminated or certified documents be used?2023-06-12T12:45:49+00:00
  • No, laminated or certified documents generally cannot be used for obtaining an apostille.
  • I have to indicate that it is a notarially certified copy of the original. As such, I need to see, feel and smell the original.

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